First Aid Kits come in all types and the list of content vary depending on their use. First Aid Extras are essential to have even if you can do without them, but they help you deal with a range of emergency scenarios.
Ear protectors must be worn to protect your hearing. This is an accepted standard worldwide.
Mandatory Signs
Arrow Down & Fire Hydrant Photoluminescent Sign everyone will know where to find the fire fight
Photoluminescent signs
Confined space signs identify areas that require authorised or permit entry only.
Warning Signs
Delivery vehicles prohibited
Road Signs
Diagonal Arrow Down & Left Photoluminescent Sign you will be able to indicate to everyone what direction to follow to reach the exit.
Construction Site Sign informs of all the Personal Protective Equipment to be worn when required and Personal Protective Equipment to be worn with certain tasks at hand.
Motorcars prohibited
The DCP STP Fire Extinguisher is suitable for Class A, B or C fires, or a combination of these type of fires. Dry Chemical Portable fire extinguisher
Fire Extinguishers
This sign bans fishing
Prohibitory Signs
Sheep ahead