Fire safety signs are an essential element of fire protection to help you ensure staff and visitors know what to do in the event of an emergency.
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The Exit Left Safety Sign is used to indicate to all that the Exit/Fire Exit/Emergency Exit can be located to the left.
Fire Fighting Signs
Collapsible high visibility road cone.
First Aid Extras
Mini-buses only
Road Signs
Beware of Magnetic Crane' sign alerts workers to the presence and dangers of magnetic cranes in the area in order to prevent injuries and fatalities.
Warning Signs
This sign indicates that water should not be used as a fire extinguishing agent.
Prohibitory Signs
This sign prohibits the wearing of helmets beyond this point.
Hippos ahead
This sign stresses the important of wearing 'thermal suits' when subjected to direct heat.
Mandatory Signs
Zar 3.00
Vehicles exceeding 12 tonnes GVM prohibited
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