Fire Extinguisher Ahead Safety Sign Indicates that the nearest Fire Extinguisher is straight ahead.
Fire Fighting Signs
Smoke Control Doors, Keep Close Photoluminescent Sign everyone will be notified that these doors are for smoke control purposes and should be kept closed.
Photoluminescent signs
Developed for use with trauma boards and scoop stretchers.
Stretchers and Immobilisation
Sign used to inform staff and the public, that 'protective screens' need to be used in this area while welding.
Mandatory Signs
Emergency Telephone Sign is used to identify a telephone dedicated to emergencies.
General Informational Signs
This sign prohibits the drinking of water.
Prohibitory Signs
The Fire Extinguisher Checklist is used to indicate to all when last the fire extinguisher was checked and that it is still in working order.
Corrosive hazard/danger signs are important where chemicals are in use. These signs alert both employees and visitors to potential hazards in preventing accidental spills and exposure.
Warning Signs
Well marked to ensure safe handling and storage.
Bio Hazardous Waste Containers
This is a directional sign pointing the way forward.